Tuesday, February 19, 2013

brothers & brothers

errbody sometimes calls me the princess of the grant fam. because I'm so pretty. Just kidding lolol rofl I'm only joking, and I'm also laughing at my own joke. They call me the princess because I've got a whole lotta brothers and a whole notta lotta sisters. I don't really like being called the princess because I just don't... but I sure do like being surrounded by my handsome brothers. They are all so special to me in many different ways. I have 7 brothers, but my family is a little bit confusing; I only live with 4 of the 7. So that's usually the # I tell people when they ask me how many sibs I have.

You wanna see how cute they (the 4 that I live with) are?
Well you're in luck
I just happen to have a few photos of them right here. below. yo.

(don't mind the Christmas deco)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for your blog! I love this post. And I love that you are the princess of the family- we actually call you that because you have discriminating taste, you're super picky, and you like things a "certain way" (cue Maddy hands). Thanks for being the best sister to ALL of your brothers- they certainly think the world of you.
